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Indigenous Knowledge

Update from the Haudenosaunee Confederation Council of Chiefs (H.C.C.C) by Turtle Island.

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Grand Chief Hill of the Six Nation said Chiefs and Clan-Mothers needs to keep their clans updated: 

“We will be asking the Grand- Fathers to protect our village” 


He said community members can help combat the virus by returning to their traditional medicines.


It saved the white man when he first came here. They were sick. Our people used pine and cedar to cure them, He said “We know as a medicine It works”.


We advise all to take White Sage and burn it in your prayer bowl and go though the house as it will assist to take 94% of bacteria from the air. As well, “Boiling pine and cedar and let the steam go though your house to cleanse as it will help”.


Stay inside and stay safe.


Barry Gilbert
Educations Director & Indigenous Educations Advisor

Mississauga Climate Action

Eagle Spirits of the Great Waters

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